Sunday, January 17, 2010

100th Anniversary of Scott's South Pole Expedition

Tonight I attended another amazing historical lecture given by our course instructor, Donal Manahan, as the Sunday Science Lecture in the Galley. It was to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Scott's expedition to the South Pole. Scott actually made it to the pole on January 17th 1912, but unfortunately didn't survive the trip back. A mere 11 miles short of the hut in Cape Evans. Talk about heart breaking!

We have a class trip to Cape Evans on Tuesday of this week. This involves helicopter rides out and back and hopefully we'll be given permission to go inside Scott's Hut. All weather permitting of course.

Anyways, I just wanted to link you all to the official blog for the course that is being team written by the instructors and the teaching assistants. I had a look the other night and it's really neat and will give you a better idea of what the group as a whole is doing down here.

Thanks for all the fun comments! It's great to hear some thoughts from family and friends at home (and past homes).



  1. So delighted that you are enjoying such a wonderful experience, Johanne. We are living it along with you but not with the long underwear and frosty toes. Keep up the good work. Aunty Pat and Uncle Ivor.

  2. Johanne,

    What an adventure! I've really been enjoying reading your blog and looking at all the pictures. Tomorrow I'm going to show Juliette some of your pics of penguins and seals. Keep the news coming!
    Tracy S.
